I've decided this will be the first post of a weekly installment called Monster of the Week. Monster of the Week is one of my favorite terms to reference a TV trope in which the protagonists deal with a "whatever" monster & is eradicated by the end of the episode. I first heard it in relation to the X-Files (one of my favorite shows!) and originally wanted to name this blog Monster of the Week! Anyways, since I love the Monster of the Week episodes best in most of the TV shows I watch, I decided that this category of postings wouldn't have a negative connotation. MOTW will just be an update on something I'm obsessing over for the week.
Onto collaging!
Collaging is one of my favorite stress relievers, and once I discovered what could be accomplished with Mod Podge, my collaging life got so much better. A few brush strokes and your masterpiece is sealed forever! Like a blood pact, but with $8 glue and some paper. I also use the bottles to prop my window open in the summertime.
I'm one of those people who's really into artsy clutter, and can't have bare walls ever. The space above my desk always turns into a collage of sorts. Here's my closet door, currently missing a few pieces I took to college:
The thing I find most relaxing and satisfying about collaging is that it's hard, consuming work, but can be done while watching Netflix (the X-Files maybe?). Better yet, you get a piece of art or an updated item afterwards!
Here are some of my high school notebooks, pre-Mod Podge, inspired by a friend at a summer writing program.

Here's one of my craft/knitting boxes made with comic book panels from a few different books taken out of context, and a jar I use to hold some makeup brushes, done with passages from a French workbook on Le Petit Prince.
A lot of these were made using really cheap items-- used book stores will have comics, magazines and maps for about 75 cents each. I got my hands on some Holiday magazines from the 60s and 70s while at that writing program, and I'll probably keep using them until they're nothing but sad little spines. I'll use those too, come to think of it.
Collaging is great because it can last as long as you want it to, and be as easy or hard as you want it to as well, and each one can have a mood. A friend and I did these in about three hours one night, and the next one took about half an hour, sitting on my bed in front of Netflix.
I hope this was inspirational, fun to read, or just some nice eye candy.
Do your thing, and treat yourself to some papery goodness!
I used to collage until I left college! I always used clear packaging tape like a dummy but modge podge makes so much more sense. I agree with you in that it's a stress reliever. I liked created something. The only thing I have left is my nightstand from my second apartment I covered in a 1965 Life magazine collage. I love your notebooks. You've inspired me to start again!