
Sunday, May 11, 2014

The Pin-Ups Are Jealous: Cat Eye Tutorial & Tips

Let's talk about one of my favorite products: eyeliner! It comes in an array of forms (pencil, gel, liquid, cream) and can change a look entirely. Once I started wearing eyeliner I couldn't go back-- I totally get why it's been a beauty staple throughout history. My favorite look is the classic cat eye, but it can be a little tricky to get the hang of.

Today I used the first gel liner I ever bought, by Mommy Makeup in Black Orchid, along with my SHANY eyeliner brush (it came in a 12-piece set, and is brush number 4). I love this color because it's a deep metallic purply color that isn't especially harsh and reminds me of autumn. It also goes on incredibly smooth. Let' get started!

 If you're wearing eyeshadow and plan on wearing mascara, apply the eyeliner in between those two steps. Eyeshadow would smudge and cover your hard work if you applied it after your eyeliner, and it's difficult to apply eyeliner when your voluminous lashes are blocking your view. First step, use your brush or pencil (I recommend using a liquid, gel, or cream liner for a really precise cat eye) to apply a line of your desired thickness along your upper lash line. Take it slow, and remember to breathe! Just like yoga.

Your lower lash line is an excellent guide for deciding what kind of angle you want for your wing. Draw the base of your wing as if you were drawing a continuation of your lower lash line if you're unsure what angle you'd like. The one I did here doesn't exactly follow this, but as long as it's not pointing downward, I think I'm safe.

Here's where it all comes together! The width of the line you drew in the first step will affect the thickness of your wing. Draw a third line, connecting the tip of your wing to your lash line. This piece may take some practice, but once you get it down, it's worth it. Next, fill in the space left, and you're done!

Mascara is next! 
What's your favorite kind of eyeliner? Do you have a look you love?

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